about us

Hi, we are Angelia and Kendra!

We cannot wait to help you lean into your power and have the autonomous birth you desire!

Our mission is to nurture and support women throughout their unique journey of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum in love. Delving deeper into the experience they desire while exploring all options. Honoring each woman through celebration for a more meaningful journey. Hold space and respect the physiological birth process. Encouraging women to find power and decision making within. Provide information for informed decision-making while supporting women in their autonomy. Drawing on our intuition, knowledge and experience to be a loving-supportive presence during the beautiful transformation that unfolds.


Birth Attendant, Doula, Student Midwife, and Photographer

It is my greatest honor to support women through the journey of the autonomous birth they desire, helping them have the best transition into motherhood. During this sacred time of transformation, women deserve to be surrounded by support that helps them gain knowledge for informed decision making, learn about prenatal care and ways they can support a healthy pregnancy, growing closer to intuition, and delving deeper into the experience they desire for birth and postpartum. 

As a motherhood photographer it is my passion to capture the raw beauty and strength of these moments from pregnancy, to birth, postpartum, and beyond! 



Doula, Student Midwife, and Photographer

I have always had a deep appreciation for the childbearing process, as there are few things more beautiful to me than a woman becoming a mother. After my own pregnancy and birth experience, I gained an even deeper love and understanding of what the transition into motherhood could look like when a woman is surrounded by unconditional love and support. 

I believe birth is less about making babies and more about making mothers. As a new mother myself, and current midwifery student, I have learned the importance of empowering women to believe in their own strength and to make the best decisions for themselves and their babies. Walking alongside other women and offering them the love and support they need during this very significant time in their lives is a great passion of mine!